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Asher’s is a Green Chocolate Co.!

In 2011, Sustainable Waste Solutions (SWS) certified Asher’s Chocolate Co. in Souderton, PA as a Landfill-Free Enterprise. All our waste is either reused, recycled, or processed for renewable fuel at the Covanta Plymouth Energy-from-Waste facility so it won’t end up in overloaded land-fills. How sweet is that? We are pleased to announce our continued efforts to maintain environmentally sustainable practices.

In 2011, Sustainable Waste Solutions (SWS) certified Asher’s Chocolate Co. in Souderton, PA as a Landfill-Free Enterprise. All our waste is either reused, recycled, or processed for renewable fuel at the Covanta Plymouth Energy-from-Waste facility so it won’t end up in overloaded land-fills. How sweet is that?

We are pleased to announce our continued efforts to maintain environmentally sustainable practices.

An environmental snapshot of 2015 revealed the progress made with the partnership between SWS and Asher’s:

  • 3,140 gallons of oil saved
  • 41,113 kilowatt hours generated
  • 26,103 sq. ft. of office space powered
  • 49 cubic yards of landfill airspace saved

We are thrilled about these earth friendly changes, but there is always more that can be done!

The following Green Policies and Procedures are implanted to successfully preserve our environmental consciousness:

  • Asher’s “Green Team” established to reduce waste and increase recycling
  • Recycling programs implemented with suppliers to ban cardboard
  • Energy saving partnership created
  • Reduced packaging size without compromising quality
  • Aqueous packaging used when possible
  • More recyclable pretzel tray boxes, and biodegradable bubble packing material used
  • Separate recycle bins for paper, glass, aluminum and waste
  • Print cartridges returned to manufacturer and encouraged double sided printing or electric copies
  • Fluorescent lighting utilized
  • Reduced flow toilets and automatic sensors on bathroom appliances

Conservation and Waste Management are ongoing goals for Asher’s. We aim to reduce our carbon footprint, so we are as “clean and green” as possible. We work as a team to help save the planet, and we encourage you to join us! Every day is Earth Day at Asher’s!